When the earth absorbed the heat, feeling the warm fire of the sunlight, she conceived, she gave birth. This is a collection based on our internal sun and external radiant light. The light that gives us life, warmth and the desire to create, germinate and shine every day.
The SUN is the protagonist this year SS 23/24, whom we thank every day for illuminating us and in whom we trust. We wanted to create a tribute. and we dedicate this collection and each of the pieces that took shape on our journey following the sun.
The most beautiful thing that everything abounded with was light…
The ESSENTIAL is permanent, they are renewed basics, they are timeless pieces that transform and renew themselves, a collaboration with substantial, made with organic cotton and hemp a summary of a good life, a healthy life that reminds us of the yoga mantras in each posture we we face life.The ESSENTIAL is permanent, they are renewed basics, they are timeless pieces that transform and renew themselves, a collaboration with substantial, made with organic cotton and hemp a summary of a good life, a healthy life that reminds us of the yoga mantras in each posture we we face life.
And the heartbeat of the earth took me to the jungle to look for my own heartbeat, my own heart, in the heart of the jungle. There I knew with certainty that my work in fashion would always be linked to the land.
My eyes can’t stop looking and feeling, that jungle that I brought with me, on my skin and in my soul. This collection is my tribute to the earth and to those hands with ancestral memories that weave and weave
THE NATURAL ABUNDANCE OF THE EARTH IS THE MYSTIC LEGACY OF THE NATION, MADE TO THE MEASURE OF THE TROICO, A COLLECTION CREATED FOR WATER, RELISWIM, An exploration and gratitude to WATER ”Reflections of water” constitutes a visual project whose main objective is to raise awareness about this element. Considering that everything ends up in the oceans. ¨Beauty in the simple¨
Anima-mundi, is the pure etheric spirit, which was proclaimed by some ancient philosophers as underlying all nature. It is what animates the nature of all things as the Alma itself animates Mundi. The feminine is the creative energy of the universe. In nature we find this creative energy everywhere, and in humanity the feminine is embodied in women. Being the creative energy par excellence. This is the manifestation of immeasurable strength and power. Since it is the woman who creates this mysterious energy. Our Mother Nature, creator par excellence, we see its effects that manifest in the relationship and in the development of natural capacity and talents.
Life is a fantastic mystery¨ This collection was created in gestation, the location was a wild place; an adventure where we felt the spirit of the jaguar and the cannon in life; “To create is to do magic” he told me “Every day brings its surprises, that’s how this harmonious order and universal justice came about. WILD is this journey.
ÜIO is the name of this collection inspired by the Amazon and its cosmogony, the word GÜIO means Anaconda for the people of this area, it is a giant snake that inhabits the Amazon River and they believe that there is a deep relationship between the origin of the life; the river, its flows and the connection with the sky AND the milky way.

The exact middle ground between what comes from above and what is possible that comes from below. When I stop looking outside and start looking inside, I find my universe that is perfect, recognizing what I am, however there are days when I feel lost… CUMARE Vegetable fiber. exploration of this and the Koreguaje community of Caqueta, Orteguasa River.